Bringing 100 years of outdoor gear directly to the customers.
Global eCommerce Experience, Brand Messaging
Stanley is one of the most recognizable outdoor brands in the world. Their classic thermoses and lunch boxes are a staple in Hollywood movies and tv shows alongside the rugged male types.
To connect with the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts, Stanley marked their 100th anniversary with a refreshed identity and their first-ever direct-to-consumer eCommerce experience.

Our role was to take Stanley’s new positioning and identity and translate it into a shopping experience from the ground up.
We created a master user experience architecture for all three brands and designed a unique front-end experience for each, along with new messaging for their digital campaigns.

Going Global
The rollout required a tailored brand experience for Stanley’s global properties, including digital properties for Stanley Europe and Japan, allowing the brand to connect with its followers through each country’s unique values and cultures.

Over our years of working together, Heretic has talked me into some wild ideas. Thing is, they’ve worked. Not only for the brands but for my career too.”
Global eCommerce Director, Stanley PMI