Honey & Comb Salon
Beauty is a feeling, not a look.
Brand strategy, visual and verbal identity.

Beauty standards have taken a step forward in the past few years. If you walk into any big box retailer, you’ll see models that reflect real people. The same goes for many cosmetic and even razor brands.
Then why haven’t hair salons embraced the positive change? The founders of Honey & Comb left their previous positions to open a salon that defines beauty as confidence, pride, and self-expression.

Goodbye, gossip.
Beauty salons tend to be catty, gossipy, and judgemental. The founders of Honey & Comb wanted to create a salon that leaves all that behind and instead fulfills the promise of what they believe the role of a salon is: to make clients feel beautiful, not just look beautiful. To realize this, Honey & Comb needed a brand that could challenge what it means to be beautiful and reestablish beauty as a feeling, not a look.

A culture of sisterhood
Lifting spirits and encouraging goodness sits at the heart of the new Honey & Comb identity. When customers book an appointment, they can look forward to walking into a community and culture of sisterhood that embraces who they are and is committed to their confidence, pride, and self-expression.

There is an intimacy in what we do that is often lost in a digital world. We are one of the few businesses that still have physical interaction, touch, and intimate connections. There’s a womanhood about it, and now more than ever, touch is important to that womanhood in an ever-growing contactless world.”
Owner, Stylist